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Resource Support


2009 – 2023

PS2 Resource Support

2009-2023 mentorship, family visitations, tutoring, summer program and camp, fun day outing.

2013-2016 Parent teacher conferences translation.

2014 Projects

Year round 2014

    • Visits to PS2 families to provide social support and to meet family-specific needs.

March and November 2014

    • Provides translation services at PS2 Parent Teacher Conferences.

March to June 2014

    • Provides one-on-one tutoring services.

Summer 2014

    • Dai Goh / Dai Jie mentoring provided to PS2 students through activities such as basketball camp and cooking lessons.

2013 Projects

Fall 2013

    • Visits to PS2 families to provide social support and to meet family-specific needs.

August 2013

    • Dai Goh / Dai Jie mentoring provided to PS2 students through activities such as miniature golf, bowling, arcades, basketball camp, and museum visits.

Summer 2013

    • Dai Goh / Dai Jie mentoring provided to PS2 students through activities such as miniature golf, bowling, arcades, basketball camp, and museum visits.

March to May 2013

    • Sponsored art classes for 7 year old PS2 student Chen.

March 2013

    • Provided translation services at PS2 Parent Teacher Conferences.

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